Stay Connected  
    Tandem: A Couples' Retreat

    Event Schedule 

    Tandem Weekend Schedule

    What's happening when!

    Schedule subject to change.


    4:00 pm - Guest check-in
    5:00 - Dinner
    7:00 - Worship
                Intro to Emotional Bank | Learn your spouse's love language, and encouragement


    9:00 - Session 2 | Keeping promises and building oneness 
    10:45 - Coffee Break
    Session 3 | Spending time and having integrity
    Noon - Lunch with mid-day activities
    5:00 - Dinner
    7:00 - Special Date Night with entertainment (TBA)


    10:00 - Session 4 |  Building trust and spiritual connection with your spouse
    Noon - Lunch and departure

    A welcome email and updated program schedule will be emailed to you approximately one week prior to the program. Please also check your spam folder!

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