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    Sandy Cove Blog

    Reconnecting after deployment is crucial for the well-being of military families. The time spent apart can create emotional distance, stress, and challenges in communication. Through the Operation Oasis Scholarship program -- funded by our generous donors -- hundreds of families have been blessed with a free stay at Sandy Cove. We see firsthand the joy and healing that comes when families are given the chance to come together, away from the pressures and demands of everyday life. 

    Last year, Sandy Cove had the privilege of welcoming the Halvorson family, a military family from Wisconsin, to Family Camp. Carmen Halvorson shared their powerful testimony:

    During my husband Mark’s seven-month deployment with the Air Force, I spent the lonely evenings dreaming of future vacations that would include the entire family. I had learned of Sandy Cove through an online military resource and applied for a scholarship.

    Traveling to Sandy Cove from Wisconsin was exceptionally easy, and we were stunned when we reached the Sandy Cove campus, as the building complexes set in nature’s splendor looked like something out of a dream. When we checked into our room, we saw that there was an individual bed for each child and ample space for a family of five. This was too good to be true!

    Each meal was offered just down the hallway from our third-floor room with catering options to please even our most picky eater, and as any family can attest, a vacation isn’t a true vacation until no one needs to cook or plan the meals! We were pampered all week long and were able to visit with our own family and meet others in the laid-back dining area overlooking the water.

    Every morning our three kids attended Club Cove. We heard that Club Cove is like VBS on steroids and it proved to be that and more with frequent visits to the outdoor swimming pool, Palmer Auditorium with a massive Gaga ball pit and climbing wall, mini golf, playgrounds, water games, and paddling in the North East River.

    While the kids were off playing, the parents gathered for morning ministry, led by a fantastic couple who spoke truth and wisdom learned from 35 years in the mission field. 

    In the small and intimate setting, learning from such gifted teachers, I marveled that we truly were here in this place at this time for a purpose; it wasnot by accident. Their teachings were some of the most powerful testimonies I have had the opportunity to witness. I find myself experiencing things almost daily since then that reminds me of a story or teaching from these missionaries; truly they have left an eternal impression.

    Each afternoon as a family we had a chance to play and explore the massive Sandy Cove grounds and participate in the daily activities. The biggest hurdle we faced the entire week was how to fit in all of the fun options before we ran out of time…very much a “champagne problem!” Some of our favorite times were spent in the gorgeous sparkling outdoor pool, as the Midwest climate didn’t prepare us for the heat and humidity of Maryland…it was a welcome change to feel hot! 

    Evenings held an additional teaching session for adults and Club Cove time.We fell into our beds each night with smiles from having exhausted all of our energy on making memories with our family and being fed the Word filled with truth and life from such wonderful teachers. 

    As our time quickly passed at SandyCove, we were left with feelings of gratitude for the opportunity to spend a week, cost-free, in a place that is clearly special and set apart.

    We do not usually know God’s plan for us, and only in hindsight can we connect the dots of our lives to make sense of its path. I look forward to reflecting on this season of life years down the road and how God used us in this particular timeand space for His plan.

    Family update:The Halvorson family has grown since their visit to Sandy Cove last summer. On January 19th, they welcomed baby Synneve. 

    If you or someone you know might qualify for an Operation Oasis Scholarship, you can find more information and apply here.

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