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    Sandy Cove Blog

    The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

    The stores don’t miss a beat. Sometime between Thanksgiving and mid-December, while customers attempt to stave off the stress of shopping for the perfect Christmas gift, some of our favorite retailers have already moved on. Candy boxes in the shape of hearts and mushy cards for everyone from a spouse to the family pet line the card
    If you’re the point person tasked with making reservations for a large group, then you’ll need to tackle a rooming list.  From roommate preferences to special requests, it’s a big job that takes some forethought and lots of patience. But it’s for a good reason. Make check-in a breezeFirst, a rooming list helps

    The Marriage Check-In

    Too often married couples are like ships passing in the night. Life is busy and while we may be functioning well logistically, it’s likely that we’re missing out on our hearts connecting in a meaningful way. That doesn’t just happen. Connection has to be created. Planned for. Prioritized.Every marriage needs daily check-ins.
    I'm talking about failing, not falling. Now in recent years, various business books and blogs, plus a number of TED talks (click here for TED talks) have attempted to reframe failure. They inform us that all good innovators and entrepreneurs have failures in their track record. They tell us that fear of failure will limit our willingness to
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